Functional as well as ecological

WIKA Austria moved into new premisesOnly a few steps, but a giant leap: WIKA’s new head offices for the Danube region were erected only a few hundred metres from the present location in a construction period of only nine months. The move into the new building took place at the turn of the year as […]

Application of sapphire thermocouples in gasification reactors

Gasification reactors, because of their harsh process conditions, place high demands on the instruments used there. Many manufacturers have reacted to this and adapted their products correspondingly. But which are the optimisation possibilities for thermocouples for use at higher process pressures? ไดอะแฟรม ซีล : ?Gasification reactors?In a gasification reactor, there is an exceptionally aggressive process […]

Hydrogen and pressure sensors ? What should be observed?

When pressure sensors touch hydrogen, this often results in difficulties. Unfortunately, I very often notice in my own job that our customers are not aware of this prior to use. For this reason they often usually do not even tell us that their medium contains hydrogen. We only learn when we receive a complaint. But […]

Pt100 in 2-, 3- or 4-wire connection?

Pt100, Pt1000 and NTC are the most-used measuring elements in resistance thermometers. I would like to use this blog to consider the question of connection types in greater detail.Resistance thermometers change their electrical resistance as a function of temperature. This physical effect makes it possible to measure the temperature of a process with a Pt100. […]

Fields of application for pressure sensors 2 – non-vented gauge pressure sensors: when unvented pressure sensors or transmitters are the best choice

In most applications, gauge pressure measurement is required and therefore pressure sensors and pressure transmitters that measure pressure against the prevailing ambient pressure are commonly used for this. Those pressure sensors typically have a venting hole to allow the ambient/gauge pressure to act upon the back end of the sensor element.Electronic pressure sensors usually measure […]

Maximum pressure for pressure connection G 1/8 and 1/8 NPT

Why will be the threads G 1/8 and 1/8 NPT offered for pressures and then a nominal pressure range of 400 bar? Where does this limit come from?Basically, เพรสเชอร์เกิจ is simple: From a certain pressure limit, the thread flanks are no more ?strong? enough to resist the force of the applied pressure. If เพรสเชอร์เกิจ is […]

Mechanical vs electronic pressure switches: Application areas

When if you undertake a mechanical pressure switch so when should you rather choose for an electronic pressure switch? Each switch principle offers advantages, but additionally has its limitations. Among other things, there are differences in the application areas for mechanical and electronic pressure switches. A consideration of this will give you support in your […]

Filter monitoring: An essential component for energy-efficient operation

If the careful usage of ?energy? as a resource used to be for cost reasons, today there is also increased environmental awareness. All this also becomes mandatory because of legal requirements and the state of the technology. In this article you can find out about how continuous filter monitoring crucially influences the power efficiency of […]

Innovation Center’s inauguration ceremony

WIKA has opened the Innovation Center in Klingenberg with a ceremony. The new building manifests the Group’s hopes for the future and, with its open architecture and new high-tech laboratories, it opens up new horizons.300 guests were invited to the opening, including the Bavarian Minister-President and other representatives from politics and trade associations. They were […]

MTTF and MTTFD – What is the difference?

What is the MTTF value?The MTTF value is a term from the field of risk analysis & risk evaluation. The exact meaning is mean time to failure or simply the mean life of a component. The MTTF has gained particular relevance due to EN ISO 13849-1. In accordance with this standard, the performance level can […]